Monday, September 1, 2008

More Gustav Goodness

I'm slowly losing the power to my laptop, as I've had to use it for work-related things during the past few hours. We lost power at The Times-Picayune, but we have set up what is known as a "bunker" in the photo department, and we are putting together a paper from there.

The paper won't be printed tonight, but tomorrow morning, afternoonish tomorrow.

It's been one adventurous day, as power went out while I was doing a graphic, but luckily, I could easily get it off my desktop by taking my tower to the photo department where there is power.

Around 10 a.m. central time, I left the office with a few other employees, and ended up driving to the Industrial Canal, where they were having a surge scare.

Luckily, everything is cool there, but for awhile there, people were concerned the floodwall would breach again.

The streets located right outside of the canal began filling up with roughly three or four inches of water when we arrived. It wasn't anything to be concerned with, but it was still quite a site to see rushing water near a floodwall.

I'm spending another night at the newspaper, and hopefully can go home tomorrow night to see how the apartment held up. I really just want to take a shower, though.

Sorry for the lack of updates, but with a lack of power, my hands have been tied.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweet, loving the updates. good luck!