Wednesday, May 16, 2007

First day on the job

Check out this badge of awesomeness:

Yeah, I had to cut a little bit of it off due to horrific glare from my camera (yeah, I'm a dork for taking a picture of my picture I.D. badge, but come on, I'm fucking giddy about this internship).

Anywho, I got lost heading into work like I figured I would, even though it's only a 10 minute drive and literally five or six streets away. The thing is, I was on the wrong side of the interstate and could actually see the building (well, the water tower the name of the paper is wrapped around which is really f'n cool), but couldn't actually get to the place. Luckily, the people at T-P were incredibly helpful once again in getting me back on track.

I absolutely love my job and everyone is friendly that works there. They were all incredibly nice and welcoming to me...I couldn't of asked for a better place to come this summer.

I did two locater maps today, learned the process in which graphics go from being created, copy edited and completed, ate at a delicious Italian restaurant and got my sweet name badge. Oh, and I learned that people around the city love Times-Picayune employees. I think I could really get used to New Orleans.

And now, some more random pictures:

1 comment:

me said...

Who is this Ryan Smith guy? I came to this blog looking for Ryan Jeffrey Smith. Identity theft is a serious offense!