Friday, May 18, 2007

Front page graphic!

Check out the front page graphic I did for today's paper:

Although I didn't draw the main art that you see, I put together the graphic on the plaza. Everything other than the base rendering of the plaza and the inset rendering, which was provided by a local architectural firm, is what I did and some of the stuff I'll be doing on a daily basis along with other locater maps for various parts of the paper.

In this case since I didn't do the graphic from scratch, i.e. draw what the plaza is supposed to look like, we use a Staff Graphic byline, so my name won't be found on this graphic. When graphics are actually done from scratch and the graphics reporter draws more of it, then the name of the artist name is used in the byline.

So basically, the process in which I did this graphic was I received three artist renderings of the plaza and a hard copy of the map which pointed to where places were. So I took the main rendering and added numbers where things were, added a key and decided to put an inset of what the place would look like at street level.

This was a great graphic to get assigned to do because it allowed me to learn more of The Times-Picayune style, which I'm still picking up and learning. So far, I love their style and the colors they use, so I definitely see myself having a lot of fun creating graphics down here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super cool! I like your cheesy badge...nice post!