Sunday, July 29, 2007

More pictures!...and a general update

I know I haven't been writing in this as much as I would like (or as much as you would like?), but time is flying by down here and I didn't even realize the last time I posted anything was nearly a month ago. Maybe it's because nothing incredibly interesting or unusual has happened in the last few weeks that I felt were worth writing about, or maybe it's because I'm incredibly lazy.

Or maybe it's because I haven't had a free night where I've come home drunk enough to bang out something mildly interesting to read and just sober enough to make it coherent.

It's probably been a combination of everything, including work. This is what I've been trying to finish in time for Saint's training camp, and was able to put something together informative enough before it started.

A Fans' Guide To Saints Training Camp
I had about nine work days between daily work to put it together, and hoped that it helped out Saints fans in route to their training camp visits in Jackson, Miss.

Not much else has been going on down in the Big Easy for me, just work on the weekdays and hittin' up the city during the weekends. I'll be home in 16 days, so look for a few more writings from me before I come home. Hopefully. It usually takes the perfect storm of me having a few drinks, not being lazy and me having a free night to put something together, but damnit, I'm willing to do that for all of my two or three wonderful readers out there.

I drove around with Danny, one of the intern reporters, today. He's from the city, so he knows his way around really well, and thank God, I would've gotten lost I'm sure with some of the places we went. We drove pretty far east in Louisiana, about 10 minutes or so from the Mississippi border. We saw some pretty cool shit along the way. Here are a few pictures from the day, along with some other pictures I took around my house on Magazine St.

This was near a lake northeast of New Orleans. Yep, that's a house on stilts. Pretty cool, eh? (I guess not when it floods, but yeah, you get the idea).

Another shot of the stilted homes near the lake.

A Katrina damaged home on stilts.

That's the fancy French way of spelling "go."

You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...and inflated...

See, voodoo does exist!

A very colorful fire station on Magazine St., the street I live off of.

They love their Saints down here. Colts vs. Saints, Super Bowl XXXXIVVX whatever number it is, I have no idea and I don't feel like looking it up.

Nacho Mama's, a very good tex-mex place near my house.

One of the new levees they're building near the city.

I realized I never took a picture of where I work, in case some of you were wondering. See, I wasn't making up where I was interning at!

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